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Why I Choose Purium as a Mom, a Chronic Illness Sufferer, and a Nutrition Practitioner

I am often asked why I choose organic superfood support first over the thousands of supplement options that are available to me as a health practitioner. My answer is simple: there were important boxes that needed to be checked.

My journey in holistic healthcare began in 2018 after a sudden onset of debilitating symptoms that left me feeling helpless, scared, and alone. In the last five years, I have had many appointments with many different practitioners that suggested various protocols involving numerous supplements. None of these supplements or protocols improved my health; in fact, a great number left me feeling worse with additional symptoms. After performing my own research, I was shocked to find a lot of these supplements I was consuming contained less than ideal ingredients, or no active ingredient whatsoever, even though it was claimed so on the label. I was also surprised to learn just how many so-called health supplements and popular product lines were actually owned by Big Pharma (which made me question their interest in helping build healthier humans). 

I have also invested a great deal of research into glyphosate (the main ingredient in the weed killer RoundUp). If you are unaware of what glyphosate is, I urge you to make learning about it a priority, and how it is responsible for hundreds of symptoms and illnesses, including various types of cancer, and ADD/ADHD.

And so, I learned how important it was to have all the boxes checked in order to attach my name and reputation to a product line. It has taken me five years to find a company that aligns with my values, with products that I feel confident using, giving to my children, and recommending to my clients.

Here are the boxes that needed to be checked (these should be your standards, too!):

  • Natural - containing ONLY ingredients that our bodies can recognize and easily absorb

  • Organic - it's not enough to be natural, as deadly pesticides and herbicides are used far too often on our crops; Purium superfoods have the highest level of purity

  • Clean - third-party tested products containing ZERO contaminants 

  • Safe - no contraindications with medications or medical treatments; after all, these products come from one place...FOOD! 

  • Safe for the whole family - no toxicity concerns if over-consumed; in fact, the more you take, the more health benefits you can expect to experience!

  • Grown in regenerative soil - soil is where we receive the vast majority of our nutrients; soil has become so depleted and devoid of nutrients through the years, but Purium is committed to soil regeneration and providing the most nutrient dense superfoods possible

  • Gluten-free, plant-based, non-GMO

Purium is the only company that checks all of the above boxes and more, which is why I proudly use and recommend these products to my clients, colleagues, friends and family. With over 70 products to choose from, I am confident that I can help you get started with a protocol for all your health needs. Feel free to message me for more info, or click the link below to start your Purium journey with $50/25% off your order!

Whole Food Supplementation: About
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